Migration of Microsoft Credentials to the Microsoft Management Settings Extension

In previous versions of the different Microsoft connectors, distributors were asked to configure their Microsoft credentials through parameters with Marketplace scope for each of the Microsoft products in the Connect Distributor Portal. Additionally, to generate the refresh token, an external service hosted in Azure had to be used.

However, with the introduction of the Microsoft Management Settings extension, it will now be possible to simplify and centralize this process. From now on, both Microsoft credentials and the refresh token will be managed from the Microsoft Management Settings extension.

What do I need to do?

If you already had the Microsoft Management Settings extension installed (previously this extension was only used for GDAP management) your Microsoft credentials will be automatically migrated to the Microsoft Management Settings extension. The only action required from you is to install the Microsoft Management Settings Extension before the migration takes place, in case it is not installed yet.

From that point, the parameters with Marketplace scope for each of the Microsoft products in the Connect Distributor portal will no longer be used. If any credential changes are required after the migration, they should be made directly in the Microsoft Management Settings extension.

Will I need to Configure Microsoft Credentials manually?

As we mentioned previously, if your credentials were already configured in each of the Microsoft Connect products and the Microsoft Management Settings extension is installed before the credentials are migrated, no further actions will be required from you.

Configuring the credentials manually in the Microsoft Management Settings extension will be required, for example, if you need to configure credentials for a new marketplace. For additional information on how to do this, refer to the Configuring Microsoft Credentials section.

Note: If you need to edit the existing credentials, create new credentials, generate a new token or configure a new marketplace first you will need to configure a redirect URI. Configuring the redirect URI is not a requirement for the migration of credentials to the Microsoft Management Settings extension.

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